If you’ve ever had the unpleasant experience of falling ill while on vacation, you know that it’s NOT fun. So, how do you avoid it? All-Inclusive resorts are asking the same question and know that they can delight their guests by taking extra precautions to ensure your health and safety. 


It would stand to reason that a place full of people would be full of germs and other nasty bugs that could make us sick, but that’s a common misconception. All-inclusive resorts are staffed to the nines, with someone at all times making sure that public areas and restrooms are sanitized and cleaned. Since COVID, they’ve also upgraded their air filtration systems with pathogen-killing technology which adds an extra layer of cleanliness. 

Occupancy limits and restrictions have also come into play around the globe. If there’s less people, there’s less chance of illness spreading, but the added bonus is more space for you! Overcrowding is never fun, it’s far more relaxing to have less people around and more breathing room. For instance, Mexico is capping resort occupancy at 60% meaning more spots around the pool, quicker service at the bar and a quieter atmosphere in general. When it comes to resort occupancy, less really is more! 


COIVD-19 has brought about a new set of rules when looking to be the cleanest of clean. Sanitation standards set forth by industry experts like Ecolab and EarthCheck  allow you to have that next level of security when it comes to your health. They’ve partnered with thousands of hotels and resorts to ensure your safety and set up best practices to protect guests and staff. They have several certifications and verifications that resorts have opted into to assure guests that they are meeting international standards for cleanliness and preparedness. 


Finally, with an all-inclusive resort, you’ll never have to worry about going off property and being stuck in a crowd or ending up somewhere that you’re unsure of.  With everything on site, from spa services, fitness centers, gourmet cuisine and authentic dining experiences, along with nightlife entertainment, there’s not much reason to leave the resort!! If you’re looking for local flavor outside the resort, you certainly can venture out, but if you want to be sure that everything is handled in the proper manner and you know what to expect, sticking around the resort will be just as rewarding. During times like these, it might bring you more peace of mind to be in a controlled environment that allows you to truly relax. 

This new normal isn’t ending anytime soon, so I expect that procedures will be in place well into the future. If you’re interested in taking a vacation to an all-inclusive resort, I can help you navigate the rules and procedures allowing you to focus on the important work: relaxing! Contact me today to get started planning your next escape!