You might not mean to, but you’re probably doing some of these gross things when you  travel. Keep reading to find out what they are!

Going Barefoot Through Security

At some point, we’re all probably guilty of going barefoot in public –especially through airport security! Just think of all the people that have passed through security before you and forgot to wear socks (gross). That’s a lot of barefoot germs you’re walking over… and who knows the last time the floors were washed? Do yourself a favor and pack some socks!

Not Sanitizing After Using the Security Bins

Speaking of security, be sure you wipe down your belongings after they’ve been shuffled around in those gray bins. According to a recent study, those boxes are filled with bacteria and even substances at high enough levels to make people sick. Even with the increased frequency and intensity of cleaning and disinfecting due to Covid -19, it makes you think twice the next time you bust out your phone to make a call after it’s gone through security, doesn’t it?

Drinking from Water Fountains

Always, always, always bring a refillable water bottle with you when you’re traveling! Water fountains are just crawling with germs – not to mention unfiltered water. Many sources have disclosed that drinking from a public water fountain can expose you to harmful pathogens and cause gastrointestinal problems or even pneumonia. Pregnant women, children, and those who are sick are the most vulnerable.

Using Your Phone When Eating

Surely this won’t come as a huge surprise, but you should avoid using your cell phone when you’re eating. Our smartphones are filled with germs and carry all kinds of bacteria. When you switch between eating, and texting, and then eating again –you risk transferring all those germs directly into your mouth. And that’s just asking for trouble!

Touching Hotel Room Amenities

While many resorts and hotels have raised the bar in terms of your health and safety sometimes, things can get overlooked! Be sure to give your hotel room a once over and sanitize any public amenities like the TV remote, doorknobs, countertops, light switches, etc. Better to be safe than sorry!       

Now more than ever, we hope being aware of these gross travel habits, and working on forming new, healthier habits will help you have a safe and relaxing journey! For more fun travel tips, advice, and inspiration, be sure to follow along on the blog. Want to start planning your next trip or destination wedding? Then, click here